- 4
Bulk downloading of tiles at the required zoom level is against OSM's terms and throttling is not handled properly.
#26 opened by RobinWhitfield - 5
bedrock only
#35 opened by PopsEj - 1
Missing Textures
#29 opened by Pieberius - 5
Complete Noob issues line 368 on ./generate-world
#31 opened by fakebob - 5
Permission Denied
#28 opened by pointlessspyguy - 8
Open Street Map Fails at getting Tiles
#27 opened by TechZack - 9
No Lidar data
#22 opened by Orug28 - 0
- 0
- 1
Memory Leak/Too Much Memory
#19 opened by Pieberius - 6
Failed to open and read
#18 opened by Aleuznelav2 - 2
Proposal: allow other projections than OSGB36
#6 opened by kekscom - 2
- 3
Perl on Windows
#17 opened by PlymouthCubed - 3
Proposal: allow running without elevation
#5 opened by kekscom - 1
Missing metaDataUrl.. skipping dataset
#16 opened by jargonautical - 3
Elevation must be subclassed
#14 opened by nathancashmore - 4
- 7
Set direction for "north"
#12 opened by amyworrall - 3
Failed to open tile message
#11 opened by ldodds - 1
'no elevation' error
#9 opened by jargonautical - 3
I am strangely upside-down!
#10 opened by siliconmeadow - 18
Raspberry Pi version please!
#4 opened by JeniT - 1
how much time/ram per km?
#3 opened by processor286 - 1
Need to include an empty 'saves' directory?
#2 opened by illtud - 0