
Epidemic simulation game.

Primary LanguageOCaml


  • Similar to the Plague, Inc. game; uses basic epidemic theory to replicate the spread of disease throughout the United States. Written in the functional language OCaml. More information on design can be found here, an overview of the second sprint.

To Play:

Required packages:

Since a Makefile is provided, just run: make play

Gameplay Demonstration


  • Portrays a realistic map of the United States with an underlying matrix that represents connections between each states, to include transcontinental flight connections.
  • Allows user to select from different upgrades and items to enhance the Spread, Virulency, and Death rates.
  • Climate has been added to provided another dimension of crisis.
  • Players are challenged to maintain a high spread rate while not immediately killing everyone in the local area, since this will end the virus before everybody dies. Three different levels of difficulty are provided: Benign, Dangerous, and Deadly.
  • Accurate population counts of each state are provided, with further statistics on the number of dead, sick, and healthy individuals.
  • Written in two weeks for Cornell University's CS 3110, Functional Programming in OCaml.


  • Chris Gyurgyik
  • Bobby Ma
  • Joseph Sauto