
Python + Django + MongoDB + Heroku telegram bot from scratch

Primary LanguagePython

Telegram Bot Tutorial

By using this repo I assume that you already created a Telegram Bot using BotFather.

Main idea

Create Telegram Bot from scratch.

  • Create project using best practices
  • Add basic logic to the bot
  • Debug
  • Deploy

Technical info:

  • Python (programming language)
  • Django (web framework)
  • MongoDB (NoSQL database)
  • Heroku (hosting server)

Local Deploy

  • Download repo
  • Install/set/activate virtual environment
  • Install packages (pip install -r requirements.txt)
  • install and start MongoDB
  • Set environment variables: DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE (=tb_tutorial.settings.develop), TUTORIAL_BOT_TOKEN
  • Run server
  • Install and start ngrok (./ngrok http 8000)
  • Set telegram router to your web server (https://api.telegram.org/bot<token>/setWebhook?url=<url>/webhooks/tutorial/)

Deploy on Heroku

All necessary files for the deploy are already in the repo. Login/Register on Heroku. Create an app. Install CLI

  • heroku login
  • heroku git:remote -a <your app name>
  • Add files to git and commit changes if needed (git add ., git commit -am "some commit message")
  • git push heroku master
  • Create a remote Mongo database. Check db connection string in production settings file and update it if needed
  • Set production environment variables: DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE (=tb_tutorial.settings.production), MONGO_USER, MONGO_PASSWORD, MONGO_HOST, TUTORIAL_BOT_TOKEN
  • Set telegram router to your web server (https://api.telegram.org/bot<token>/setWebhook?url=<url>/webhooks/tutorial/)

Step By Step Tutorial

You may find step by step tutorial for this repo on medium