
Install EXWM outside emacs

heeh opened this issue · 3 comments

heeh commented

I love EXWM and have no problem using it.
However, it took a while when setting this up for the first time.
Is there a reason that we have to install EXWM within emacs?
Would it be possible to install EXWM in pacakage managers such as apt or pacman with emacs dependency?
(e.g. lightdm, gdm)
I believe that we can set EXWM as a default window manager when installing GUIX.

yusi1 commented

EXWM is just a library that is added onto Emacs, so installing it without Emacs wouldn't be possible, because it literally is Emacs.

But you could have a package for EXWM that installs Emacs as a dependency like what you said and configures EXWM in Emacs automatically, I guess that could be useful if you want to get started using EXWM quickly.

Yes it should be possible to create a package which includes EXWM and additional setup (for example, *.desktop files). I believe Guix packages EXWM in such a way.

I believe the guix package manager has packages for most of emacs packages. I haven't ever looked into how they manage this but I imagine it would possible to do something similar for the AUR. I think the only reason this hasn't been done is just do to the fact that if you have emacs config checked into a repository install exwm is just as simple as installing emacs and cloning down your config.