- andantescherzo
- anwynGermany
- ava-gunn
- axelparracCiudad de México, México
- codingiamRomania
- danielszSapiens Sapiens
- defmacro-jam
- devnill
- dmatveevIntel
- efermi
- flexibeastMelbourne, Australia
- hyOzdTrabzon
- jmfurlottDatadog
- lf94Internet
- Necronian
- nickgiardina
- nilsding@Runtastic
- phil-s
- practicalli-johnnyPracticalli
- PuercoPopLima, Perú
- randymorris
- redguardtooworking
- rekadoThe landmass of earth
- tarsiusBasel, Switzerland
- tocs
- tomjakubowskiThe Prospective Company
- tsu-nera
- UncleBillEarth
- VelocityREST
- vibhavp@meganz
- wasamasaGermany
- xee5ch
- zakameMakati, Philippines
- zonuexe@pixiv Inc. and @emacs-php
- zunpre