
A Hobby extension to authorize routes

Primary LanguageRubyBSD Zero Clause License0BSD


This repository provides a Hobby extension to authorize routes.


gem install hobby-auth


You are expected to pass your user models as arguments to Hobby::Auth.[]:

require 'hobby'
require 'hobby/auth'

class YourApp
  include Hobby
  include Auth[*array_of_user_models]

  # some route defining logic goes here, after 'includes'

A user model is any object that responds to these two methods:

  • .name which returns a String which might be in Module#name.

  • .find_by_token which takes one argument(a token String), and returns nil(if no user were found) or a user(which can be any object you would like to consider a user in your application).

You can access that user via user method.

Consider an example app where you need two user roles: managers and drivers. You can define Manager class as follows:

class Manager
  def self.find_by_token token
    new if token == 'the only valid token at the moment'

and Driver class similarly.

Then, you can use them in your app:

class App
  include Hobby
  include Auth[Manager, Driver]

  Manager post('/managers_route') {
    # do something only managers can do
    user # will return a `Manager` instance

  Driver get('/drivers_route') {
    # do something only drivers can do
    user # will return a `Driver` instance

The token is expected to be passed via Authorization header. If no user were found, the response’s status will be set to 403.

If your user models have same short names (for example, Manager and SomeNamespace::Manager), a Hobby::Auth::SameNames error will be raised.


To run the specs:

bundle exec rspec

To perform mutation analysis:

bundle exec mutant --use rspec 'Hobby::Auth*' --include lib --require hobby/auth