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This contains implementation of various algorithms such as dynamic programming,greedy algorithms etc using java.
Image Cropping Library for Android, optimized for Camera / Gallery.
Here, you will find the solution to the problems in hackerrank's cracking the coding interview series
Implementation of various data structures using java.
It is a smart payment application that uses beacon technology that can be deployed in malls and other public places for customers to be able to browse place and products without the need of internet. The payment can also be done using beacons(without the need of internet) or QR code. This single app is capable of scanning all nearbuy eddystone beacons. Its specialty is that it does not require internet and different apps need not be installed for scanning different beacons.
A complete daily plan for studying to become a Google software engineer.
Implementation of Search engine using Google's page rank algorithm. Project consists of crawler, indexer and then lookup. Technologies used- Beautiful Soup Language used- Python
Shell script to merge multiple videos files of different formats stored in a directory into a single video of desired format using ffmpeg.
ch3125's Repositories
Implementation of Search engine using Google's page rank algorithm. Project consists of crawler, indexer and then lookup. Technologies used- Beautiful Soup Language used- Python
It is a smart payment application that uses beacon technology that can be deployed in malls and other public places for customers to be able to browse place and products without the need of internet. The payment can also be done using beacons(without the need of internet) or QR code. This single app is capable of scanning all nearbuy eddystone beacons. Its specialty is that it does not require internet and different apps need not be installed for scanning different beacons.
Here, you will find the solution to the problems in hackerrank's cracking the coding interview series
Shell script to merge multiple videos files of different formats stored in a directory into a single video of desired format using ffmpeg.
This contains implementation of various algorithms such as dynamic programming,greedy algorithms etc using java.
Image Cropping Library for Android, optimized for Camera / Gallery.
Implementation of various data structures using java.
A complete daily plan for studying to become a Google software engineer.
A simple Maven project intended as an example for use in a presentation about Maven.
This app lets the user see informations about movies retrieved from themoviedb(TMDB) API categorised according to genres .User can also see the movie credits and following info. When the user clicks the movie, he can see all details about that movie .The app uses Retrofit to connect to themoviedb API .Material design guidelines are followed.
This app is made using android studio and it uses many concepts of android such as AsyncTask, ListView, ContentProvider, AlertDialog, PreferenceActivity etc.It imports the messages from the device to the app and can also be used to send text messages to other numbers.Messages can be exported too, and shared and progress is shown through AsyncTask
These codes implement different algorithms and data structures using java