
Sway DE -- Personal Configuration Dotfiles 🤖

Primary LanguageShell


Sway DE configuration

This repo aimed to backup my configuration, including configuration of sway, waybar, neovim, alacritty, zsh and ranger. Introductions are as follows.


WM(sway + waybar)


  1. Assign different workspaces to different applications
  2. Set the font to Firacode Nerd Font
  3. Please modify the wallpaper path in sway/config by yourself
  4. Use rofi as the menu for application launch
  5. Use slurp with wl-copy to achieve convenient and fast screenshot copy function (Ctrl+Alt+a)
  6. Utilize | to make a simple translation tool (Ctrl+Alt+z)
  7. A bunch of keys are set. In addition, there are some small tips :
    • alt+tab allows users to quickly switch to the previous workspace
    • alt+1/2 focus on the left/right workspace, using mod+num to switch workspace is also supported
    • use custom-pc keyboard layout for my personal usb keyboard, you can delete or customize it by yourself
    • Set smart_gaps to fill a little gap between windows and not waste space when there is only one window
    • autotiling automatically determine started window direction according to the aspect ratio of the previous window



  • battery
  • ram
  • temprature
  • pulseaudio
  • bluetooth
  • network
  • workspaces
  • mini-forest : My personal application
  • NOTE shortcut : To open my note with nvim-qt
  • book search : search books in specific directory
  • date & clock

The complete collection of symbols is in Nerd Font

terminal environment(zsh + alacritty)


  1. Add todo.sh command, every time you open the terminal, it will list the to-do items of the day
  2. fzf option setting, cooperate with bat to realize fuzzy file preview, and define xdg_fzf function to fuzzy query and open the query result file with xdg-open
  3. The installed plugins are as follows
  4. Set up some aliases and replace some tools


Using the Tokyonight theme and Firacode Nerd Font, the profile file has been given



  1. custom toolbar --> title bar --> density
  2. about:config --> set browser.compactmode.show to true --> go toolbar adjust, select density to compact
  3. about:config --> clear extensions.webextensions.restrictedDomains and set privacy.resistFingerprinting.block_mozAddonManager to true , thus Vimium can be used in almost all pages.
  4. about:config --> set browser.display.background_color and browser.display.background_color.dark to change the color of default:blank, I use #212124 or #1A1B26

ps: if firefox's font looks extremely small after change scale in sway, try to delete ~/.mozilla and restart firefox, then all things will become normal.

filemanager(ranger + dolphin)




as okular will occupy more and more memory after open for a while, and developer team didn't solve this problem since 2018, I finally decided to swith to zathura.

theme: https://github.com/catppuccin/zathura


use dark theme zotero-night


All background wallpapers are under image/wallpaper