
Project Planning and Control

Project Planning and Control

Join the chat at https://gitter.im/CI222/Lobby

To start working:

  1. Create github account.
  2. Fork this project (right hand corner). Which will create a copy of this repository in your github account.
  3. Install https://git-scm.com/ on your machine.
  4. Then run git clone https://github.com/your github username/ci222 from command line tool. Which will create new folder ci222.
  5. Go to that folder and work on the issue.
  6. Run git add . and then git commit -m "Fixes issue number" . This will commit your local changes. NOTE! you have to be in ci222 direcotry.
  7. Run git push. This will push changes to your github account. NOTE! You will need username and password.
  8. Then click on new pull request which you can find below commits in your github account.
  9. If everything ok, I will merge changes with this repository.
  10. Start from number 5.