Third application for Big Brain Kotlin book, will be pokemon collecting app 11285 Pokemon and become Pokemon Master!
- Explore Screen
- Player could find - Poke`Coins, PokeBalls and Berries
- Player could encounter Pokemons
- Pokemons can be tamed through Berries and captured using Pokeballs
- Pokemon Screen
- Display list of Pokemon user has captured
- PokeMart
- User can buy berries, pokeball and Rare Pokemons
- Bag
- User can see inventory of berries and balls he have
- Fragments
- Constraint Layout
- CardView
- Recycler View API - ListAdapter & DiffUtil API
- TabLayout
- ViewPager
- Android Styles and Themes
- Custom Fonts
- Jetpack Room DB - Entity, DAO
- Jetpack ViewModels
- Jetpack Hilt Dependency Injection
- Jetpack Navigation Components
- Coroutines for Concurrency - scope, context, dispatcher
- Flows for observable states and reactive apis - onEach, collect
- Higher order functions -> Lambdas
- Language primitives
- if/else
- variables
- dataTypes - Primitive and UserDefined
- Data classes
- Enums
- Collection operation - map,filter
- Extension functions
- Scoped operation
- MVVM pattern
- Usecases pattern
- Repositoru pattern
- DataSources Pattern
- Base-Classes etc
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