
Write meta tags to the document head

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Solid Meta

Solid Meta npm Version

Asynchronous SSR-ready Document Head management for Solid based on React Head

For Solid 1.0 use 0.27.x or greater. For versions of Solid 0.x use 0.26.x.


This module allows you to define document.head tags anywhere in your component hierarchy. The motivations are similar to react-helmet in that you may only have the information for certain tags contextually deep in your component hiearchy. There are no dependencies and it should work fine with asynchronous rendering.


npm i solid-meta

How it works

  1. You wrap your App with <MetaProvider />
  2. From the server, you pass tags[] array to <MetaProvider />
  3. Then call renderTags(tags) and include in the <head /> block of your server template
  4. To insert head tags within your app, just render one of <Title />, <Meta />, <Style />, <Link />, and <Base /> components as often as needed.

On the server, the tags are collected in the tags[] array, and then on the client the server-generated tags are removed in favor of the client-rendered tags so that SPAs still work as expected (e.g. in cases where subsequent page loads need to change the head tags).

Server setup

Wrap your app with <MetaProvider /> on the server, using a tags[] array to pass down as part of your server-rendered payload. When rendered, the component mutates this array to contain the tags.

import { renderToString } from 'solid-js/web';
import { MetaProvider, renderTags } from 'solid-meta';
import App from './App';

// ... within the context of a request ...

const tags = []; // mutated during render so you can include in server-rendered template later
const app = renderToString(() =>
  <MetaProvider tags={tags}>
    <App />

  <!doctype html>
      <div id="root">${app}</div>

Client setup

There is nothing special required on the client, just render one of head tag components whenever you want to inject a tag in the <head />.

import { MetaProvider, Title, Link, Meta } from 'solid-meta';

const App = () => (
    <div class="Home">
      <Title>Title of page</Title>
      <Link rel="canonical" href="http://solidjs.com/" />
      <Meta name="example" content="whatever" />
      // ...