
Cloning Airbnb using Python, Django, Tailwind and more

Primary LanguagePython

Airbnb Clone

LINK : http://airbnb-clone.sim3mek5vx.ap-northeast-2.elasticbeanstalk.com/
Cloning Airbnb with Python, Django, Tailwind and more...


first installation

1. install iterm2
2. install oh my zsh
3. setting the shell
4. install brew
5. install pipenv
6. install java sdk
7. install git


brew install pipenv
pipenv --three                  // python version 3
pipenv install django==2.2.6    // django version
pipenv shell                    // Enter a bubble

Third Party App

pip install django-seed
pip install django-countries
pip install Pillow
pip install django-dotenv
pip install requests


python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py createsuperuser
python manage.py runserver 8080

Seeding items

python manage.py seed_amenities
python manage.py seed_facilities
python manage.py seed_roomtypes
python manage.py seed_users --number 50
python manage.py seed_rooms --number 150
python manage.py seed_reviews --number 50
python manage.py seed_lists --number 50
python manage.py seed_reservations --number 50


ID : cha2hyun.dev@gmail.com

Todo later

verify_email.html 꾸미기
git login 수정하기
Edit-Profile Avatar 수정
Edit-Password 에서 Placeholder 적용해보기 - form 만들어야함
edit photo에서 사진 수정하기
edit room에서 delete room 만들어보기
delete시 정말 삭제하겠습니까 메세지창 띄워보기
enc-type 이 무엇인지 확인해보기
css grid 강의 보기
예약할때 자바스크립트 이용해서 하루 이상 가능하게 해보기, 체크인, 체크아웃 지정해서 range 설정
AWS 환경변수 이용해서 admin/ 주소 계속 랜덤으로 바꾸기
AWS 환경변수에 ID, KEY 업로드
큰 용량 업로드 되는걸 방지 django-imagemagick 사용, 포맷 바꾸기 django-imagemit
서치바 수정

Tailwind CSS Installation

1. install node.js
2. sudo pip install npm
3. npm init (outside of pipenv)
4. npm install gulp gulp-postcss gulp-sass gulp-csso node-sass -D
5. npm install tailwindcss -D
6. sudo npm install -g npx
7. npx tailwind init
8. npm install autoprefixer -D
9. npm run css


Install GNU gettext : brew install gettext
Create symlink : brew link gettext --force
django-admin makemessage --locale==ko,en,..등등
수정후 django-admin compilemessages


pipenv install awsebcli --dev
eb init
eb create 이름
eb deploy

06_seed_facilities: command: "django-admin seed_facilities" 07_seed_roomtypes: command: "django-admin seed_roomtypes" 071_seed_amenities: command: "django-admin seed_amenities" 08_seed_users: command: "django-admin seed_users --number 150" 09_seed_rooms: command: "django-admin seed_rooms --number 250" 10_seed_reviews: command: "django-admin seed_reviews --number 250" 11_seed_lists: command: "django-admin seed_lists" 12_seed_reservations: command: "django-admin seed_reservations --number 250" 13_seed_avatar_delete: command: "django-admin seed_avatars"

container_commands: 01_migrate: command: "django-admin migrate" leader_only: true 02_compilemessages: command: "django-admin compilemessages"