6502 8-bit CPU emulator
This is a experimental 6502 cpu emulator. The implementation is based on the 6502 reference guide : http://homepage.ntlworld.com/cyborgsystems/CS_Main/6502/6502.htm
Actually i only tested the program on my Debian. It should also compile in Windows and MacOSX.
Goals :
The goals of this project is to learn cpu emulation. It's also beginning step for other emulator i want to write that are based in 6502.
The 6502 cpu emulator will be purpose as a shared library for reuse purpose in other emulator
Debugger usage:
./6502_debugger <binary>
You can use this assembler to compile your own program : https://hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu/~mcmartin/P65/ophis-ref.html
Roadmap :
- Initialization and loading : Done
- Instruction implementation : Done
- Shared library : Done
- Clock synchronization : Not to be done here to make it easier to synchronize multiple device
- Debbuging tools like memory dump, cpu state, breakpoint, ... : Done some basic debugger but consider using some other debbugging tools available