
Exercises for object practice.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Object Exercises 2 Inheritance Given the following objects:

var mom = { firstName: 'Alice', lastName: 'Wong', eyeColor: 'brown', hairColor: 'black' };

var daughter = { firstName: 'Ilene', hairColor: 'brown' }; One Write code to make daughter inherit properties from mom. What are the daugther's properties and their values? Print them out.

Two Add a method called showInfo to mom by attaching a function to it as a property. Calling this method will print out all four properties. Call this method on both mom and daugther.

Person Given this Person type:

function Person(name) { this.name = name; this.friends = []; }

Person.prototype.addFriend = function(friend) { this.friends.push(friend); };

Person.prototype.createGreeting = function(other) { return 'Yo ' + other.name + '! from ' + this.name + '.'; };

Person.prototype.greet = function(other) { console.log(this.createGreeting(other)); }; Rewrite the above type as a class.

These thises Given the Person type given in the last problem, add to it a lazyGreet method which will print out the same greeting message but only after 2 seconds.

These thises 2 Add to Person a createGreetingsForFriends method which will return an array of strings - each string in the array is a greeting generated by the createGreeting method. For example:

var alfie = new Person('Alfie'); var anushka = new Person('Anushka'); var henrique = new Person('Henrique'); alfie.addFriend(anushka); > alfie.addFriend(henrique); alfie.createGreetingsForFriends(); ["Yo Anushka! from Alfie.", "Yo Henrique! from Alfie."] Do this without using a loop but by using map instead.