I aim to create video games and other media for learning STEM disciplines.
SemmalgilSeoul, Republic of Korea (South Korea)
chabulhwi's Following
- AeneasVerif
- AOMediaCodec
- archcraft-osIndia
- Ardour
- awodeyCMU
- been-jammingArizona
- BrodieRobertsonSouth Australia
- catppuccin
- chromiumembedded
- dafny-lang
- dahlia@planetarium
- deltachat
- fcitx
- FFmpeg
- formal-land
- FossifyOrgEarth, Milky Way
- FStarLang
- godot-go
- HoTT
- johnfactotum
- kunstmusik
- morph-labsUnited States of America
- msgpack
- nasaUnited States of America
- naverRepublic of Korea
- NethermindEth
- notofonts
- revoltchatEurope
- SeasawherProxima Technology
- swhAistemos
- ungoogled-software
- ValveSoftware
- Violet-Bora-Lee@public-awesome
- YoungHaKim7Seoul, South Korea
- zenorogue