
Primary LanguageJavaScript

API Installation

To start the application type the command

docker-compose up

link to access

#API Usage

First of all you should generate your access token.

Generate Github Token

access url and login to git

link to generate token

After authorizing you will be directed to a screen with the access token, write down the access_token and use in the api header to consult.

    "access_token": "abb8af320606bed7fa78471a734a7a91c255ba46",
    "token_type": "bearer",
    "scope": ""

#API Documentation

access url to know End Points and don't forget to set up the environment

link to documentation

You must insert in the request header the generated token plus the bear

GET /git_hub/users/me HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:3000
Authorization: bearer 08075352ae989e7470bf11d516b5045c8e717e33

You can also import schema into your postman link to schema