
Reusable interactive building blocks for creative 3d projects

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Blox is a pattern library for 3d experience creators. It lets you succinctly describe virtual reality and augmented reality experiences, games and stories. It leverages open web standards, ThreeJS and WebXR and introduces an ECS component philosophy to encourage re-use of behaviors. It works on desktop browsers, WebXR iOS, Vive, Oculus and Rift.

The intended audience is:

  1. Novices that want to make high quality high performance interactive stories in 3d.

  2. Storytellers who want to work faster and more accurately with a domain appropriate vocabulary, expressing semantic intent such as "be on the floor" or "tagalong with player".

  3. Designers who want a pattern library of 3d UX widgets. See https://medium.com/@anselm/laundry-list-of-ux-patterns-in-vr-ar-24dae1e56c0a

  4. Veteran programmers who want a multi-collaborator foundation to be able to effectively organize, manage and build robust web, mobile and mixed-reality 3d applications.




Fetch from github and run any small http server in home folder and visit the URL such as http://localhost:3000

npm install http-server -g cd public http-server -c 0


There are the concepts this library is built around:

  1. BLOX. The system as a whole is built out of blocks - hence the name. A block just a bucket which contains different behaviors. For example you might have a block that has a visible mesh, and an animation behavior, and a light, and a few other things. A blox is a very general concept, but the idea is that for each separate concept in your project you have one blox. It may be worth noting that at this level the system doesn't even know that it is a 3d rendering engine. (For the technically minded the concept of a blox corresponds to an entity in an entity component system.)

  2. BEHAVIOURS. Each blox can contain arbitrary behaviors. An example behavior could be "show a red cube" or "stare at the player". Behaviors are where all the magic happens. The expectation is that you can use a rich library of existing behaviors, or you can write your own. The design principle at work is that if you're doing any fancy code logic that is reusable then what you should do is write a behavior so that non-programmers can use your work. Behaviors expose variables and properties so that novices can adjust or tweak your behavior. Good examples of a behavior are BehaviorMesh (which loads gltfs) and BehaviorParticles (which implements a very simple particle effects engine). By convention behaviors are kept in a folder called 'behaviors' (see the list of behaviors for more). (For the technically minded a behavior is the same as a component in an entity component system.)

  3. EVENTS. There are many built in events that you can listen to such as when an object is about to be created, or has been created, or is attached to the scene graph. Normally every single behavior in a blox gets a copy of the event that is sent to that blox. If you want to do some quick and dirty scripting however you can decorate a blox itself with raw event handlers. This can be convenient dealing with routing events around dynamically. Good examples of events are "on_load" and "on_tick" (see the list of events for more).

  4. SCENE-GRAPH. Blox may have children, and blox form the scene-graph of your application. They're not quite the same as ordinary scene-graph primitives however because they can aggregate arbitrary unrelated behaviors inside themselves. You'll typically start out by declaring a 'scene' blox. That scene will contain children blox that describe lights, camera and action.

  5. QUERIES. There'll often be a need to find what is nearby, or to find a parent, or a specific behavior. A query engine is built in for generalized queries both within a current blox or generally through the scenegraph. An example of a query is blox.query({property:isObject3d}) or blox.query({instance:BehaviorAudio}).

  6. DOCUMENT MODEL. The main way you author stories is by editing a text file. You describe your story, the assets, which behaviors you want, and then you pass that single document to a new blox and it produces that experience for you. It starts up the renderer, sets up your scene and starts running the events (see the examples and example documents for more).

  7. PACKAGES. You can dynamically load or reference 'packages' which are any collection of blox that you like to re-use over and over. There's really no difference between a package and the starting document that bootstraps your project. By convention packages are kept in a folder called 'blox' (see the example packages for more).

  8. FRAMEWORK. With all these pieces together this library defines a framework or general philosophy for building user experiences. The framework is intended to be used by different participants in different ways. From a designer perspective you use it to arrange your story in a story appropriate grammar, at the right level of semantic expression as suits storytelling. From a programmer perspective you define new behaviors that designers can leverage. From an asset creator perspective there are conventions for asset management. From a player perspective the framework loads and presents the experience to the player.


The system is designed to be document driven, you describe what you want in a text file and then pass it to Blox() for instantiation. Often mostly reasonable default assumptions are made if not specified. A working scene may be as simple as this:


/// this is a scene blox decorated with a scene behavior and having some children blox
export let myscene = {
	name: "myscene",
	scene: 0,

	// here are some children blox
	children: [

		// this is a light

		// this is a camera, it's optional to declare a camera

		// this is a reference to a separate blox stored on disk

		// this is a piece of art placed on the ground loaded off disk as a gltf
		// it listens to the on_tick method and rotates a bit every frame
		// it listens to collision events and moves the art to viewer eye level
			on_load:function(e) { console.log("just woke up") },
			on_tick:function(e) { e.blox.mesh.rotate.y+=0.1 },
			on_overlap:function(e) { e.blox.position.slerp("eyelevel") }

// this kicks the whole system into starting up; a scene node force launches a renderer and a display
let blox = new Blox(myscene)



[x] Renderer
[x] Scene
[x] Camera
[x] Light
[ ] Sound
[x] Sky
[ ] Pano
[x] Heart
[x] Mesh
[x] Text
[ ] TextPanel


[ ] Forces -> maybe separate from mesh; maybe add gravity/mass also as a built in
[ ] Lifespan -> may be useful enough to be deeply imnplicit?
[x] Collide -> can I support AABB


[x] Physics Object
[x] Physics Joint
[x] Physics Hinge


[x] Walk
[ ] Orbit
[ ] Hand 6dof puck
[ ] gaze
[ ] mouse
[ ] leap motion


[x] Bounce
[ ] Tween
[x] Line
[x] Wander
[x] Stare
[ ] Follow
[ ] Goto
[ ] EyeLevel
[ ] Floor
[ ] Wall
[ ] Billboard
[ ] Tagalong
[ ] Sizeable
[ ] Wobble
[ ] Shrink
[ ] Grow
[ ] Fade
[ ] Rotate
[ ] Hide
[ ] Between
[ ] Timer
[ ] Latch Timer


[x] Emitter <- Rename as duplicate or clone?
[x] Particles
[ ] Proton


[ ] button
[ ] dial
[ ] lever
[ ] slider
[ ] carousel
[ ] globe
[ ] terrain
[ ] deck of cards
[ ] chessboard
[ ] piano
[ ] wires

[ ] networking
[ ] multiplayer session management


* Javascript based
* DAG; blox are arranged in a directed acyclic graph
* ECS pattern; blox are decorated with behaviors that do not need to be aware of each other
* Minimalist; behaviord are described in naked classes that embody pure functionality without requiring inheritance
* Clonable; blox can be cloned, added or deleted from the graph easily with a well defined API
* Packages; blox can be grouped and loaded or cloned as a group or loaded deactivated
* Events; blox can message component behaviors and each other
* Scriptable; blox and their behaviors can be produced from a vanilla json based document
* Scriptable code; ordinary javascript can be used lightweight work and handle events


blox.new                          Pass a string, another object or a filename to instance a parent blox and children bloxs
blox.constructor                  Same as blox.new but callable from a live instance
blox.parent                       Get the parent of a blox if any
blox.group                        Get the children of a blox if any
blox.query                        Fancy query support for finding children blox or behaviors
blox.event                        A generic event publishing mechanism

* Note that behaviors show up in blox as immediate properties; so a BehaviorMesh can be referenced as simply blox.mesh
* Note that only one of a kind of behavior is allowed in one Blox at a time


[x] on_tick
[x] on_behavior_will_add
[x] on_behavior_added
[x] on_overlap
[x] on_entered
[x] on_exited
[x] on_event (generic catch all)
[ ] on_ready
[ ] on_activate
[ ] on_deactivate
[ ] on_lifespan
[ ] on_loaded

* Note that events can have any name but share a namespace with custom behaviors names, the convention is on_*