- 0
Build Fails with Node v13.8.0
#48 opened by foltik - 1
Error in node 12
#47 opened by neumartin - 5
Bailing on clear or remove
#19 opened by Asken - 0
- 5
Build fails on macOS Sierra
#32 opened by crazyquark - 2
fatal error: 'tr1/unordered_map' file not found
#38 opened by leyeye - 0
- 1
Problems installing under Windows 7
#44 opened by simlu - 0
- 0
Can not `npm install` on CentOS 7
#42 opened by dnguyenv - 5
- 1
- 5
- 3
"node-gyp configure build" fails on system
#28 opened by KurtisReid - 0
npm install of hashtable fails with "Cannot find module 'block-stream'" from node-gyp
#36 opened by jtrayfield - 2
Build fails on OS X Yosemite (10.10.5)
#35 opened by jorgedr94 - 0
Feature request: iterator
#29 opened by g0ldfinch - 2
Trying to install on Ubuntu 14.04
#27 opened by borisgeller - 3
treating '001' and '1' as same key
#26 opened by amitguptagwl - 2
Build fails on raspberry pi
#25 opened by sponnet - 1
Failed to ionstall hashtable
#24 opened by stebogit - 2
Non-string keys
#23 opened by BHare1985 - 3
Get and Has method not releasing memory
#20 opened by vigbk - 1
Broken in Node 4.x
#22 opened by martinheidegger - 1
Memory measurement
#18 opened by jwarkentin - 1
Segmentation fault
#17 opened by akaustel - 2
build fails with the API change in node 0.12.0
#16 opened by chethiya - 2
Crash in 0.4.2
#10 opened by a70ma - 1
- 9
Objects not loaded after repeated put
#11 opened by pejrak - 1
node-hashtable is about half the speed of built-in V8 JavaScript objects with 5M keys
#14 opened by jhuckaby - 2
Performance metrics
#6 opened by m1sta - 3
compile fails on windows
#4 opened by capaj - 1