
Primary LanguageSvelte

Mini: The Minimal Language

DEMO: https://chadams.github.io/mini-lang/

/mini-lang is an open source web application for learning languages. With the first language being Mini.

Mini is an attempt to create the simplest naturalistic language for human communication conceived by S.C. Gruget in 2020. For more information https://minilanguage.com/

The goal is to make something on par with Duolingo but with the following features.

  • webapp first
  • no login required.
  • easy to make new courses
  • support "direct method" learning


  • Basic App Structure
  • Course guides
  • Live translate
  • Utilities for importing excel files 🎉
  • Audio Translations
  • mini/en - Dictionary
  • mini/en - Random Word Exercise
In progress
  • Lessons path
  • Course Mini -Phrases
  • Course Mini Kore
  • Course Mini Mundo
  • Course Mini Mundo - Direct Method

How to help

lessons are stored in the /public/units/<unit-name>/lesson-plan.json and lessons folder.

Each Lesson Plan has the following scheme

  "id": "mini-kore",
  "title": "Mini Kore",
  "lang": "en",
  "lessons": [
      "id": "basics-1-1", // id of lesson, points to json in lessons folder
      "title": "Basics",
      "pic": "https://openmoji.org/data/color/svg/1F64B.svg"

Each Lesson has an id in the lesson plan that points to a file in lessons folder. Ex. ./lessons/basics-1-1.json

  "title": "lesson one",
  "guide": "units/mini-kore/lessons/1-1.md", // text for this lesson's guide as markdown
  "words": "units/mini-kore/words-mini-mundo.json", // dictionary for dynamic on-hover translations
  "cards": [
    { "tra": "<translation here>", "txt": "<text to show>", "pic": "<picture url>" },
    { "tra": "Hello", "txt": "Salu!", "pic": "https://openmoji.org/data/color/svg/1F64B.svg" }, // example

work in progress...