
Two ruby scripts that can ask anyone that's listening for their hostname and number of cores.

Primary LanguageRuby


Two ruby scripts that can ask anyone that's listening for their hostname and number of cores.

ruby server_info_control.rb start: listen on port 33333 for someone to request their stats, then respond on port 33334. "I am an available server to test on".

ruby server_info_control.rb stop: stop listening/responding. "..."

require 'rollcall'
test_server_info = Rollcall.call_roll

Broadcast to port 33333 to solicit information, then listen for responses for 2 seconds on port 33334.

p test_server_info
=> { "new-test-machine-<uuid>.local" => {cores: 8, role: :test_0}, "new-test-machine-<other-uuid>.local" => {cores: 16, role: :test_1}}

Based on super handy code examples on betterlogic.com

Specifically this one: http://betterlogic.com/roger/2009/06/ruby-udp-broadcast-simple-example/

And this one: http://betterlogic.com/roger/2010/03/ruby-udp-socket-example/