
Potential demo integrations for Xerocon

Machine Setup

Recommended: brew (http://brew.sh/)

  • Install Postgres (database - used for Heroku compatability): brew install postgres
  • Create database: createdb dropbox-xerocon


Recommended: pip (http://pip.readthedocs.org/en/latest/installing.html) Required: python2.7

  • Clone this project into an empty directory of your choice
  • Install python virtual environment pip install virtualenv
  • Setup virtual environment virtualenv venv
  • Go into virtual environment source venv/bin/activate (note: to exit, type deactivate)
  • Install dependencies with pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Install Dropbox v2 SDK (required since not currently in pip): pip install dropbox-sdk-python-master.zip
  • Set up database: python db_create.py

Launch (currently always launches in developer mode)

  • Go into virtual environment source venv/bin/activate (note: to exit, type deactivate)
  • Make sure your database is running, and that config.py settings are accurate for your environment
  • Launch webserver: python run.py