
Primary LanguageHCL


Terraform with Ansible to create/manage a NFS over TLS server and client for testing/showcase. Tested with CentOS 7.


  • Terraform installed.
  • AWS credentials (e.g. aws configure if awscli is installed)
  • Customized variables, see: Variables section.
  • PEM key/certificate, see: Certificate section.


Edit the vars file (.tfvars) to customize the deployment, especially:


  • a unique bucket name, terraform will create the bucket to store various resources.


  • an IP range granted NiFi webUI and EC2 SSH access via the ELB hostname.
  • deploying from home? dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com | awk '{ print $1"/32" }'


  • an AWS user account (not root) that will be granted access to the KMS key (to read S3 objects).

  • Don't have an IAM user? Replace all occurrences of ${data.aws_iam_user.tls-nfs-kmsmanager.arn} with a role ARN (e.g. an Instance Profile ARN), and remove the aws_iam_user block in tls_nfs_generic.tf.


  • a public SSH key for SSH access to instances.


  • the size of the block device to share via NFS over TLS. It must be a unique size for the server to identify the block device.


Generate a key/certificate pair, the key is stored in the encrypted S3 bucket and the (also encrypted) EC2 instances.

# Generate certificate and key, note valid days, set subj field as desired.
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2049 -days 1500 -nodes \
-out nfs-cert.pem -keyout tls-nfs.pem \
-subj "/C=US/ST=Florida/L=Tampa/O=chadg.net/emailAddress=chad@chadg.net/CN=nfstls"

# Append certificate to key file
cat nfs-cert.pem >> tls-nfs.pem

# Place in playbook directory
mv tls-nfs.pem playbook/tls-nfs.pem

# Remove certificate file
rm nfs-cert.pem


# Initialize terraform
terraform init

# Apply terraform - the first apply takes a while creating encrypted AMI(s).
terraform apply -var-file="tls_nfs.tfvars"