
For spamming people via Slack DM. Use with care.

Primary LanguagePython


A Python utility to bulk DM users in a Slack workspace by calling the Slack API via HTML requests.


This script uses Python 3 due to its calling of the print() method. The script also uses the Python libraries time and requests to set timeouts and perform HTML GET requests. Run pip install as necessary.

To run the script, you'll need a file users with the usernames you wish to DM on a separate line, starting at line 1. You can do this by calling the users.list method from the Slack API. A simple way to manually generate a users file can be done as follows.


Generating a users file

  1. Visit https://api.slack.com/custom-integrations/legacy-tokens to provision a legacy token for the script. Copy and save the token somewhere.

  2. Run curl https://slack.com/api/users.list?token=$TOKEN&pretty=1 -o users, replacing $TOKEN with the token from step 1 to write the output of the HTML request to a file users.

  3. Using vim or your preferred regex utility, remove all lines from the file except those containing the "NAME": attribute, then truncate the remaining lines such that only the username is kept without any enclosing double quotes. In vim, you would run:

    :%s/^\([^\"]*\"name\"\: \"\)/

    This leaves a file with one username per line. Edit the list as necessary such that it contains only usernames of the people to whom messages will be sent. Of course, you can do this manually if you're a masochist. Or you can edit slack-dm.py so that it does this automatically (if you do, pull request it please!).

Editing and running slack-dm.py

  1. On line 6, intialise token as a string containing the legacy token.

  2. On line 8, edit the list msgs to contain any number of messages to be sent.

    NOTE: All messages must be formatted with percent-encoding, ie. all spaces and non-alphanumeric symbols need to be escaped with a percent code.

  3. On line 13, initialise user as the sending user's (your) username.

  4. On line 19, change the sleep variable as necessary.

  5. Run python3 slack-dm.py.

  6. ???

  7. Profit.