
Multicast DNS and DNS service discovery daemons deployed on various systems across the Internet are misconfigured and reply to queries targeting their unicast addresses, including requests from their WAN interface. These daemons could be leveraged by attackers for sensitive information disclosure and potentially used in DDoS campaigns for reflection and in some cases amplification. This vulnerability was made public in cordination with CERT (http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/550620)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Quick Introduction

Multicast DNS and DNS service discovery daemons deployed on various systems across the Internet are misconfigured and reply to queries targeting their unicast addresses, including requests from their WAN interface. These daemons could be leveraged by attackers for sensitive information disclosure and potentially used in DDoS campaigns for reflection and in some cases amplification. This vulnerability was made public in cordination with CERT (http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/550620)


Multicast DNS and its companion technology DNS-Based Service Discovery [RFC6763] were created to provide IP networking with the ease-of-use and autoconfiguration for which AppleTalk was well-known [RFC6760]. When reading this document, familiarity with the concepts of Zero Configuration Networking [Zeroconf] and automatic link-local addressing [RFC3927] [RFC4862] is helpful. Multicast DNS (mDNS) provides the ability to perform DNS-like operations on the local link in the absence of any conventional Unicast DNS server. In addition, Multicast DNS designates a portion of the DNS namespace to be free for local use, without the need to pay any annual fee, and without the need to set up delegations or otherwise configure a conventional DNS server to answer for those names. In specialized applications there may be rare situations where it makes sense for a Multicast DNS querier to send its query via unicast to a specific machine. When a Multicast DNS responder receives a query via direct unicast, it SHOULD respond as it would for "QU" questions, as described above in Section 5.4. Since it is possible for a unicast query to be received from a machine outside the local link, responders SHOULD check that the source address in the query packet matches the local subnet for that link (or, in the case of IPv6, the source address has an on-link prefix) and silently ignore the packet if not. quotes taken from Multicast DNS - IANA RFC6762

Who, What, Where?

mDNS is a lot like SSDP (the reason I decided to test it in the first place) in the sense that it allows devices on a local network to easily discover one another, exchange information about available services, and reduce or elminate configuration needs. Because these are the primary uses for mDNS today it can be found across a wide range of consumer devices such as phones, printers, NAS systems, media devices, etc. There are also daemons available for all major OS's (Windows, OS X, and Linux).
Notable uses of mDNS include ZeroConf networking, Apple's Bonjour & AirDrop, and ChromeCast, none of which appeared vulnerable in my testing (with the exception of a single MacBook Air found in the wild). Not all implementations are vulnerable over the Internet, but some that are exist on embedded devices that are unlikely to recieve updates from their respective vendors or users.

What's out there?

As part of the initial research into the impact of these vulnerable daemons broad scans were ran that identified over 100,000 devices that replied to mDNS queries over the internet. These devices include several NAS boxes and printers as well as Windows and Linux machines. Some of these machines were located on larger networks such as corporations and universities, and appeared to be poorly secured, if secured at all. Some vendors have already stated they will not be fixing this issue on older devices that are currently vulnerable in the wild.

How do you query these machines?

When I initially started the research my first tests used dig to confirm a reply could be triggered.

$ dig +short @[target_ip] -p 5353 -t any _services._dns-sd._udp.local

Once I confirmed there were some machines out in the wild I wrote a quick and dirty Scapy script that I could use to easily automate my testing going forward as well as test viable reflection in a lab enviornment. I've removed the reflection pieces (for reasons that should be obvious) and am releasing the recon portion which I've named mdns_recon, which we'll cover below shortly.

Information disclosure

The replies from mDNS queries vary a good bit, in some cases they won't leak much if any usable information in other cases they can leak sensitive details such network information, administration information, and device information such manufacturer, model, serial number, etc. Below are some examples of devices found in the wild leaking some of the aforementioned examples. I have cleaned up the responses for easier reading and to conserve space.

hostnames & MACs

inventory [00:18:51:2a:a2:0d]
administrator-X8DT6 [00:25:90:38:6c:c4]
ispadmin [00:0c:29:5d:08:2f]
vpsadmin [00:16:3e:d1:61:50]

networking details

0 0 548 KenNas.local.

NAS leaking details, Password=false

vendor=Synology model=DS114 serial=[REMOVED]
version_major=5 version_minor=1 version_build=5021
admin_port=5000 secure_admin_port=5001 
txtvers=1 Database ID= Machine ID= Machine Name=DiskStation
iTSh Version=131073


Phaser 8560DN (00:00:aa:d4:b8:2b)
qtotal=1 priority=80 txtvers=1
product=(Phaser 8560DN) ty=Xerox Phaser 8560DN
Bind=F Copies=T Sort=F Binary=T Transparent=T TBCP=F Staple=F Color=T Duplex=T Collate=T PaperCustom=T

DDoS reflection and amplification

Since mDNS uses UDP, all of hosts that reply could potentially be used by malicious actors as reflectors in DDoS campaigns. There is also the potential for amplification since replies tend to be larger than the initial queries. An attacker can expect at least a 1:1 reflection, in some of my testing, some services amplified by as much as 975%. The true amplification rate is hard to predict since the replies vary a lot based on server configuration and the size of the query packet itself, which changes based on the service being queried, but a safe estimate would be around 130%+ amplifcation on average.


As a reflector

Block UDP traffic destined for port 5353.

As a target

Block UDP traffic with sourcing from port 5353.


mdns_recon.py is a quick and dirty Scapy script that was used in my testing to identify mDNS clients in the wild that would reply to unicast queries directed at them. Since it's goal was to quickly test and log these replies and their respective lengths for research purposes, that is literally all it does. If you want to add features, you found a bug, etc. fork away, pull requests will gladly be accepted if they're warranted. If you want pretty replies that will please your human brain, I suggest you utilize dig, but if you're doing large scale automated scanning mdns_recon can be used with a multi-threaded middle layer.

scanning a target

    # ./mdns_recon.py [target]

example output

E ¬´√¨√
E ¬ø√¨√
txtvers=1qtotal=1pdl=application/postscript!product=(RICOH IPSiO SP C810 PS3)ty=RICOH IPSiO SP C810note=PaperMax=legal-A4priority=10 adminurl=http://RNPBC3B0A.local/Bind=FColor=T
E √
txtvers=1qtotal=1rp=filetype_RPSpdl=application/postscript!product=(RICOH IPSiO SP C810 PS3)ty=RICOH IPSiO SP C810note=PaperMax=legal-A4priority=20 adminurl=http://RNPBC3B0A.local/Bind=FColor=T
E ¬ø√¨√
rp=printerpdl=application/postscript!product=(RICOH IPSiO SP C810 PS3)ty=RICOH IPSiO SP C810note=PaperMax=legal-A4priority=30 adminurl=http://RNPBC3B0A.local/Bind=FColor=T
{'_printer._tcp.local.': 456, '_services._dns-sd._udp.local': 171, '_pdl-datastream._tcp.local.': 447, '_ipp._tcp.local.': 447}

Scanning a range

# for oct in {1..254}; do echo "192.32.68.$oct"; done | xargs -I{} ./mdns_recon.py {} - START
E fN¬
r D√
r D5é6:ø
{'_services._dns-sd._udp.local': 102} - END - START
E fH¬®3√
zr D√
r D5é6:ö
{'_services._dns-sd._udp.local': 102} - END - START
E fe3¬™r D√
r D5é6:ô
{'_services._dns-sd._udp.local': 102} - END - START
E fa/3­ïr D
r D
{'_services._dns-sd._udp.local': 102} - END

Scanning a range to file

# for oct in {1..254}; do echo "192.32.68.$oct"; done | xargs -I{} ./mdns_recon.py {} >> mdns_replies.txt