IPFS Working Groups

Get connected with one of the many working groups that advance IPFS.

Working Groups are regular meetings of people who are collectively working in specific arenas to advance IPFS.

  • Anyone is welcome to join a Working Group and participate so long as they adhere to the IPFS Community Code of Conduct. Just show up and jump in anywhere your interests lead.
  • Despite the IPFS ecosystem team's best efforts to maintain this listing, consider it downstream of any working group's own processes and defer to the most recent notes documents in case of conflicting information.

Find a Working Group

  • IPFS Implementers
  • Content Routing
    • current topics: HTTP delegated routing, Hydra shutdown impacts, design pathways, options for double hashing CID's
    • { monthly meetings | recordings | convened by @torfinnolsen }
  • Network Measurements
    • Network Measurements of decentralized protocols, including but not limited to IPFS, libp2p, etc.
    • { periodic office hours | convened by @yiannisbot & ProbeLab }
  • IPFS Ecosystem
    • tracking awesome ipfs development "in the wild" and operating the comms switchboard
    • { internal working group; community calls TBD | convened by @damedoteth }
  • IPFS dApps WG
    • community calls discussing how dapps can use or be entirely hosted on IPFS today and in the future
    • { biweekly meetings | notes | telegram group | convened by @adin, @lidel, et al. }
  • Decentralized Data Compliance
    • tracking compliance issues across content-addressed data systems generally; federated/distributed content management; nopfs feedback and best practices
    • { meetings on a topical/sporadic basis | convened by @bumblefudge }
  • Communications { TBD }

IPFS Adjacent Working Groups

  • libp2p Implementers
    • decentralized network tooling both for and beyond ipfs: community events, roadmap, new features, triage, and performance issues.
    • { meetings | agendas on-list | convened by @p-shahi & @dhuseby }
  • ipld Community Calls
    • ipld tooling and best practices, schema coordination, multiformats registry governance and IETF hardening
    • { meetings on a sporadic/as-needed basis | notes | convened by @vmx }
  • IPVM { TBD }
  • WNFS { TBD }


Contributions are welcome! This repository is part of the IPFS project and therefore governed by our contributing guidelines.


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