
Lists need cleanup parse-wise

kuerious opened this issue · 3 comments

I was trying to troubleshoot an issue with my pihole-FTL daemon crashing about 1x/day. I ran across this article and took a look inside of my blocklists. Lo and behold, there it was:

I'm going to keep, but disable, your "all porn" blocklist for now. I'd edit the list myself, but a subsequent update would put them back.

Yes, I realize you made the list(s) as a PoC. I just thought I'd bring this to your attention.

Thanks for writing up the issue! That is not good that it may be causing your Pi-Hole to crash.

I'll take a look at the issue and see if it is truly that domain that is causing the issue. It doesn't look like it is valid anymore or perhaps it's part of a CDN and the upstream provider parsed it incorrectly and now it begins with three dashes.

In the linked article it looks like there is also a "${tomcat_server}" and """ before this domain. I believe that is the actual issue since the domain you referenced is a domain has valid characters, the others are not and dnsmasq doesn't like them. Regardless let me take a look at it and if needed I'll fix it or at the very least block that domain since it is no longer active.

I apologize it took so long, but the list is now fixed and all 146 instances of domains beginning with a dash are excluded from the lists (and all future lists).