
utility scripts for android devices

Primary LanguagePython

Readme for android-utils

I created this project to store scripts and/or utilities for android devices like my Droid Bionic phone.


This script is made for people who use Enqueue, a mac audio player and playlist organizer.
The main reason I use Enqueue is because it is a fast and easy way to make a playlist from songs that exist on external drives or other computers, especially when dealing with thousands of songs and hundreds of GB of music. iTunes is not good at that. More reasons to get Enqueue

After using Enqueue to create playlists, use this script to copy a m3u playlist file and all songs it needs to android (USB mounted) or to a local directory (to sync later with android). Of course you don't have to copy to android, you can just use this to copy songs to local drive.

Here's a sample

% ./enqueue-playlists.py -h
Usage: enqueue-playlists.py [options]

  Creates playlist m3u files from enqueue db, writes m3u files to output
directory, and copies all  songs needed in m3u files to same output directory.
Only playlists listed in "playlists_file" will be created in output directory.
It's best to create initial "playlists_file" with -i, then edit file
commenting out playlists to skip, then invoke again with -c to copy.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         returns verbose output
  --erase_unused        Erase files in dest_dir that are not used by m3u
                        Skip playlists that have 0 songs
  --db_file=DB_FILE     Enqueue db file. Default:
  --dest_dir=DEST_DIR   directory that will contain newly created playlists
                        and songs. Default: playlists/
  -p PLAYLISTS_FILE, --playlists_file=PLAYLISTS_FILE
                        File containing list of playlists to export, created
                        using -i. Default: playlists.txt
  -i, --initialize_playlists_file
                        Initialize the "playlists_file" based on current
                        playlists in Enqueue, replacing any existing file.  Do
                        not create any other files.
  -c, --copy_playlists  Copy to "dest_dir" all playlists from the
                        "playlists_file", and songs referenced by them.
  -m, --m3u_only        Only create playlist m3u files, do not copy any songs.
  --stats               Output stats on the Enqueue DB

% time ./enqueue-playlists.py -v --dest_dir=/Volumes/BIONIC32GB/chadmedia -c --stats


android-utils is released under the MIT license:

githalytics.com alpha