
Social Auth, Keymaster of Django.

Primary LanguagePython

Deprecated. Please use Django Social Auth

pip install django-social-auth


  1. python setup.py install or add the repository to your pip requirements file.

  2. Install facebook/python-sdk.

  3. Add 'clortho' to INSTALLED_APPS in settings.py

  4. Add 'clortho.auth_backends.FacebookBackend' to AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS in settings.py.

  5. Add the following entry to your project-level urls.py

    url(r'^clortho/', include('clortho.urls')),

  6. Add the following settings to settings.py

    # Facebook app secret key.
    FACEBOOK_SECRET_KEY = 'value_here'
    # Facebook app id.
    FACEBOOK_APP_ID = 'value_here'
    # Will serve as username prefix.
    # Name of url to redirect to after authentication. 
  7. Optionally, add 'clortho.context_processors.facebook_api_values' to your TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS if you'd like a global FACEBOOK_APP_ID context variable for your Facebook JS.

  8. Follow the included file example_template.txt. Be sure to set the javascript variable FB_APP_ID (or use the FACEBOOK_APP_ID global context variable), as it should match the value of FACEBOOK_APP_ID you filled out earlier in settings.py. Future versions of django-clortho will contain a more simple and clean way of integrating the necessary javascript and markup. Please consult the Facebook Developer documentation for help.

  9. Once you have integrated your login and logout methods based on the above example, please run the following command in your projects base directory. After restarting your server, django-clortho will be available to use.

    python manage.py syncdb


  • Add other social backends (Twitter, Google Oauth2, Yahoo OpenID, etc.)
  • Add convenience methods to model for easy API lookups.
  • Add methods to allow existing users to connect with various services.


This project came to be while I started rewriting my 14 year old Ghostbusters fan site in Python. I wanted a simple pluggable app to tie into the latest Facebook and Twitter APIs and authentication schemes. Named after Vinz Clortho, Keymaster of Gozer, django-clortho will eventually provide OAuth 2.0-based authentication backends to Facebook Graph API and Twitter Oauth, among others.