
Simple dapp game on Eth using vanilla Javascript, Phaser, Truffle & Solidity

Primary LanguageHTML

Getting Started

(this project uses truffle framework and phaser library)

• Before proceeding, make sure you have Truffle and Metamask extension for Google Chrome downloaded
• Clone this repo and npm install
• Go to your new app directory inside terminal and type ‘truffle develop’ to fire up local truffle blockchain. Type ‘compile’ then ‘migrate’ to deploy contracts. A list of contract information should output such as contract address, gas cost, etc. This will also create a build folder with the compiled version of our contracts
• Inside eth.js, replace the abi with the abi found in build/contracts/GameToken.json
• Scroll down to line 326 inside eth.js file and replace the contract address with the new deployed contract address
• Open index.html with live server (Make sure to have metamask connected to your local server)

You can check out the live preview of this project here -> https://dogemaster.netlify.com/
(Make sure you are connected to the Ropsten Network via Metamask to interact with the contract)
