
Real-Estate dapp based on Ethereum built with React.js, Truffle, Solidity & IPFS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Getting Started

Global dependencies -
• Node @9.10.0
• Truffle @5.0.5
• Node-gyp @3.6.2

Other -
• Ganache
• Metamask Extension for Google Chrome

  1. Start by cloning this repo
  2. Inside the new folder, npm install to install all req'd dependencies
  3. Open up Ganache and click 'Quick Start'
  4. Go to your terminal, cd your folder and 'truffle compile' to compile your contracts
  5. Then migrate your contracts to deploy to our local blockchain aka ganache - 'truffle migrate'
  6. Go to src/content.js and replace the address under line 13 with the address you deployed with aka ganache (This will allow the 'Add Land' form to be only visible to the contract owner.
  7. Go to your metamask extension and create a new network configured to your Ganache network. In that network, import a new account w/ one of the private keys inside your Ganache.
  8. 'npm start' to load up the project on your local browser. (make sure you're on your ganache network in your metamask extension)
