
ROS driver for mjpeg and jpeg network cameras such as the Trek AI Ball.

Primary LanguagePython


ROS driver for mjpeg and jpeg network cameras such as the Trek AI Ball.

Usage (all parameters are optional unless difference that defaults): polled_camera.py _host:= _request:=/?action=snapshot _frame_id:=/camera _rate:=5.0

This node reads from a jpeg image response. On the Trek AI ball, this location is: This returns a single jpeg frame.

This node publishes on /camera/image/compressed. It also exposes a service to grab and publish a frame on /camera/grab_frame

streamed_camera.py _host:= _port:=80 _request:=/?action=stream _frame_id:=/camera

This node connects to an mjpeg and publishes individal frames as ROS messages.

This node publishes on /camera/image/compressed

Viewing images

To view images, try: rosrun image_view image_view image:=/camera/image compressed

This requires image_transport_plugins to be installed.

Converting from sensor_msgs/CompressedImage to sensor_msgs/Image

Try: rosrun image_transport republish compressed in:=/camera/image out:=/full/image

This requires image_transport_plugins to be installed.

Note that camera_info is not published. If people find use in this node, I can add the use of the python camera info manager library.