
An Open source rules bot for discord

Simple rules bot for discord servers, easy setup
Discord Bots

all commands:

  • register [channel] [role] [autorole?]: Registers the current guild, must be ran first for any other command to work
  • addrule [title] [description]: Adds a new rule
  • removerule [index]: Removes a rule by its number
  • rule [number]: Shows a rule by its number
  • update: Update rules embed (bot owner only)

This project is currently dormant until I am allowed to access discord (personal family problem), but when I come back:

  • Dashboard With SvelteKit
  • Dashboard on Vercel, Bot on Railway (or replit maybe), internal communication via Ably
  • Bug fixes (i dont know what the bugs are yet tho)
  • New dev team
  • Moderation and appeals system based off of the rules

Future commands:

  • ban [user] [time] [rules]: bans a user & record messages by that user
  • register [channel] [role] [autorole?] [(optional) appealchannel]: If appealchannel is empty appeals will be turned off and can only be re-enabled via dasboard
  • appeal [reason]: allows a user to appeal a ban (the bot doesnt technically ban the user in discord terms but puts them in a RuFoAl-/purgatory channel)
  • dashboard: sends the link to the dashboard