
Meilisearch parsing helper

Primary LanguageGo



config/         # Used to handle `index.yaml` configuration. Probably should be within `index` namespace instead of separate.
index/          # handling indexes/documents post-parse
  documents/      # document struct, word limit check, write/read to/from file
  local/          # local sources already in Meili format
  remote/         # remoute index sources already in Meili format
parse/          # Parsing API sources into Meili format.
  discourse/      # Parse from Discourse API.
  openapi/        # Parse from Api Docs, help from `github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3`.
  templates/      # Parse from GitHub API from template-builder.
server/         # For actually posting to the Meilisearch server.
  config/         # Updating Meilisearch server's config.
utils/          # Misc utilities.
  ignore/         # Leveraged to ignore certain tags/categories/sections during parsing.
  requests/       # Authenticated & unauthenticated requests to APIs.
  string/         # String cleanup utilities.


  • Handle additional pages for discourse site (topic_list.more_topics_url)
  • go fmt everything
  • Update README
  • Better comments throughout
  • Templates to shortcode format for accordians/marketplace listing
  • General refactor
    • separate general parse utility?
  • Move self-indexing to marketing site (general, outside this repo)
  • Allow API Docs self-indexing?:
    • Add local spec support to openapi.
  • Clean up modules, what is shared public, what is internal.
  • Clean up: better variable names (i.e. p isn't a good name for a Config object).
  • Remove unicode characters from text.
    • Apply this fix to all text fields. Questions & Answers section has this too.
  • Find a better, cleaner way to handle the Description field.
  • Judge config.yaml field names for obviousness. Rename where appropriate.


- name: identifiableName
  type: <type>
  rank: <rank>
  url: "remote_url"
  file: "local_file.ext"
  destination: "local_save_location"
    - "ignored_case"
  • name: Something identifiable for your configuration file.
  • type:
    • remote: Remote pre-built Meilisearch index.
    • local: Local pre-build Meilisearch index.
    • openapi: OpenAPI 3.0. Using this type will parse the given url into an index.
    • discourse: Discourse site via its API. Using this type will parse the given url into an index.
    • templates: Platform.sh templates via template-builder project.
  • rank: Relevant for multi-site search. 1 given highest priority in results - the greater the value, the less relevant.
  • url:
  • file:
  • destination: Save location of the resource's completed index. If none provided, it will not be written at all.
  • ignore: Ignores a certain case retrieved from the unparsed data. What is ignored will depend on the resource type.
    • openapi: Ignores paths that contain tags list. Typically when using ReDoc, this should be "NO_INCLUDE".
    • discourse: Category of posts to be ignored.
    • templates: File/template ignored in template-builder/templates. Currently just __init__.py.