directus-next for

In reality, this needs to be

  1. split off into its own repository
  2. needs to support a full-service (no external integration) and enterprise (white glove w/ development access via integrations)
  3. tests
  4. control.

Managing multiple fleets at different "tiers":

  • no integrated repository
  • enterprise with integrated repository

This repo acts as a demo upstream for running Directus on Updates to this repository will be accessible to any other project using it via Source Operations

  • Resources:

    • They had mentioned having control over individual projects
    • API Docs
    • Direct to the POC demo
    • within there is a subdir called demo with a script called -> contains all the API calls to manage a group of projects
  1. Get token - ./demo/

  2. Initialize

  • create project - ./demos/
  • initialize with template
  • create update-directus environment
  1. Do some things with Directus

  2. npm update

  • source operation: npm-update (sync from master first)
  • Upon success merge on project (take a backup first)
  1. Updates from upstream
  • source operation: upstream-update (sync from master first)
  • Upon success merge on project (take a backup first)

in order to setup cli commands (backup, sync) - an api token would need to be provided (security concern when more access - like ssh access - is given to the customers)

show off cron running on previously initialized environment customer api_url adding activity script -> provide env var, show update in slack when update is run - this is the question if you want to have updates be managed entirely by directus - or by customer (in which case during onboarding they give you a slack key to have updates in the channel) trigger test pipeline -> automatic merge on pass?

gatsby/next preffered front end; react? rob note: marketing opps - DF, blog posts, template prior to white label

environment variables:

  • API_TOKEN (to run sync and backup commands in the container when cron operations are run)
  • SLACK_TOKEN & channel - for notifications on diff
  • UPSTREAM_REPO for source op updates


  • slack.js