prototype-content-consumer - API


The project will allow users to capture data on pages and store it to catalogue and organize for later use.

Getting Started

Follow the steps below to setup a development environment. This project expects you will be using a flavor of Unix that supports a standard node.js environment.

  1. Clone repository

    $ git clone

  2. Set NODE_ENV variable to development. It can be included in a .bash_profile or .bashrc configuration.

    $ export NODE_ENV=development

  3. Install node packages

    $ npm install

  4. Create configuration

    $ cp config/config.json.example config/config.json

    Modify the path to your Google Cloud credentials

  5. Create a 'self signed' SSL certificate

    $ openssl req -nodes -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout credentials/key.pem -out credentials/cert.pem -days 365

  6. Seed datastore

    $ npm run seeds

  7. Start server

    $ npm start

API Endpoints

Request Example


Response Example

{"data": {
  "type": "Selector",
  "id": 5649391675244544,
  "attributes": {
    source_id: {
      attribute: "data-pid",
      selector: "[itemscope][itemtype=''] > [data-pid]:first"
    product_url: {
      attribute: "content",
      selector: "[itemscope][itemtype=''] [itemprop='url']:first"
    product_image_url: {
      attribute: "content",
      selector: "[itemscope][itemtype=''] .productimages meta[property='og:image']"
    product_brand_name: {
      attribute: "content",
      selector: "[itemscope][itemtype=''] [itemscope][itemtype=''] meta[itemprop='name']:first"
    product_brand_url: {
      attribute: "href",
      selector: "[itemscope][itemtype=''] [itemscope][itemtype=''] a[itemprop='url']:first"
    product_offer: {
      attribute: "content",
      selector: "[itemscope][itemtype=''] [itemscope][itemtype=''] meta[itemprop='price']:first"
    product_offer_currency: {
      attribute: "content",
      selector: "[itemscope][itemtype=''] [itemscope][itemtype=''] meta[itemprop='priceCurrency']:first"
"jsonapi": {

Sample Resource

When sending a POST request to create a sample, the request must have the below URI and include the following key/value pairs in the payload -- hostname, payload and payload['nonce']:

Request Example

`POST /api/v1/samples

body: {,
 nonce: 'kjhs9182791hakajh19',
           product_id: kj9128kk,
           product_name: Boots, ...



  • Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet
  • Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it
  • Fork the project
  • Start a feature/bugfix branch
  • Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution
  • Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so future version are not broken unintentionally.