This is the source of, the personal blog of Chad McElligott.
- 11ty static site generator
- tailwind css
- postcss build tool
- mailing list
- deployed to Netlify
For more details, see the blog post.
To get started with development:
- install Node.js. I recommend using proto
- install the npm packages.
npm install
- start the dev server.
npm start
- open your browser to the link printed on the console.
When you are editing the markdown files or the style.css, it will automatically reload the browser.
Deployment is wired up to Netlify. New commits to the main
branch will
automatically deploy to
New posts are stored in src/posts. Drop a new file there with the
where slug
would be a short name for the article.
See other blog posts for examples of the "front matter" 11ty uses to create
things like the filename for the generated html page, tags, publish date, etc.