
What is this?

This is a practice project that I setup to go back and confirm my knowledge of Golang by creating a basic API that uses Docker, PostgreSQL (with an ORM), and uses Test Driven Development (TDD).

This is very early stage and is not complete. Working on establishing a good pattern for TDD, then I need to explore the Auth options. After that I can finish up the basic API entities. I may also go back after I have the REST/CRUD endpoints done and figure out if I can also apply a GraphQL endpoint to this example.

Technical Details

This is an API that is written in Go Language. It uses the Go package Fiber as the API framework. It uses the package Grom as the ORM. It uses a PostgreSQL database. It uses Docker container, with a separate database server and web server. This also uses the package Air for hot reloads in the web server.


The idea of this API is that you can use this as a data resource to store team information of skills that a team has and can be linked to projects.

Running the Project

System setup will need to have Golang version 1.21 installed. You will also need docker for the PostgreSQL setup. This coul dbe skipped by installing Postgress locally and running the project locally with an environmental variables to connect to you rlocal database server.

  1. Go Language v 1.21
  2. Docker install
  3. Local (no docker)

To start this project, you should be able to download the source, then copy the .env.template file to a new .env file (use cp .env.template .env). Then change the values in the .env file to match your system preferences. This should be at least the database information.

Once the .env file is setup, you should be able to use the make command to start the Docker container.

make dev

Test Driven Development (TDD)

Currently you can run the test from the api folder by using the command make test. This should run all the current tests for the API endpoints. When you make changes to the project, it is suggested that you start by creating a new test file in the api/tests folder. The tests should use an in memory Sqlite database that uses the same schema of the PostgreSQL database.

API Documentation

The API documentation is done with Swagger OpenAPI specifications using swaggo/fiber-swagger.


Look into validation example in: