How to Use?

This is a project for the 2023 study of the Sensorium research project. \ All copyrights belong to Sanghoon Lee, Ji-yeong Chae. \ For questions, please email

process raw file to int csv file
csv file is saved at data/x_data_ .csv and data/y_data_ .csv


save only frequency (0 ~ 5120hz data)
data name is data/x_data_00.csv, data/y_data_00.csv


frequency (0 ~ 5120hz data) + Pipe info (p pd s type data) data name is data/x_data_01.csv, data/y_data_01.csv

1. import

import train

2. Initialize train class

trainer = train.train(name)

name is the file name of /data folder example: "00", "01"

3. search_parameter(model_name, rand_seed, parameter, name)

params = {'n_neighbors': [5, 15, 30, 100], 'weights':  ['uniform', 'distance'],
          'algorithm': ['auto', 'ball_tree', 'kd_tree', 'brute']}

trainer.search_parameter("KNN", 3, param, "First test")
  • model_name is the name of ML methods
    examples: "KNN", "MLP", "DNN", "GB", etc ...

  • rand_seed is the seed of randome state examples: 0, 42, 1040, etc ...

  • parameter is the dictionary of parameter set examples:

    params = {
        'hidden_layer_sizes': [(50,), (100,), (150,)],
        'activation': ['tanh', 'relu', 'logistic'],
        'solver': ['adam'],
        'alpha': [0.001, 0.01, 0.1]

    You can check the parameter settings in parameter_list.txt

  • name is the file name that you want to save examples: 0234
    If model_name is MLP and name is "All" then
    the result of GridSearchCV is saved at log/MLP_ALL.csv


Save the possible parameter list of any M.L methods.