
multiple definition of `makeWord(unsigned char, unsigned char)'

Opened this issue · 3 comments

I got the following error message while compiling it with the WiFiManager.
Although I got it working by remarking the 2.3.0 core lib, it would be nice to see an update.
/var/folders/3l/53kq9z6d1d73tq0wlj1d7nq00000gn/T/arduino_build_349172/ In function makeWord(unsigned char, unsigned char)': /Users/simonliu/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.3.0/cores/esp8266/WMath.cpp:80: multiple definition of makeWord(unsigned char, unsigned char)'

@simonliu009 Could you share your code ?

i have exact same error. cant compile library. i'm using with newest libraries.

simonliu - what did u mean by "remaking the core lib" ?


I tried to use this library with the same error message.

But I edited PietteTech_DHT.cpp, and renamed function "word" to "getWord" on all the ocurrences. And it works!

Thanks for the Library.