

  • homebridge-mqtt-people
  • homebridge-mqtt-nest-thermostat
  • homebridge-mqtt-temperature
  • homekit-accessories mqtt Aircon prototype
  • add timeout to sseclient
  • using loop_start() on python-rtmbot
  • read only homebridge-mqttlock and homebridge-mqttdoor with json payload
  • multiple lightbulb with/without json payload


  • add mqtt-sw-temperature to Homekit accessories
  • parse json using node.js
  • sensing 24VAC using hcpl-3700
  • add airclean_on and airclean_off
  • more light accessories using one variable
  • update accessories state using mqtt subscribe
  • install HAP-NodeJS
  • MQTT.js tls/user/pass
  • Sonoff pins
  • change Trigger inhibit control (Ti) of HC-SR501
  • python rtmbot with mqtt/tls
  • python yaml list
  • pm2 start with interpreter set
  • vim tabstop per filetype
  • makefile for ota