
Simple browser built with Rust (On update)

Primary LanguageRust

language: rust

Browser From Scratch

Project for building my own simple browser. Browser that parses URL, get assets, renderes the result. Uses Rust.

Inspired by moon and robinson.


Installation and Run

$ cargo run


Ever since I started my career as a front-end developer(though not anymore; I'm a back-end engineer now), I had a strong curiocity how browser works. I wrote codes mainly with React, I do understood how React would be parsed into HTML, CSS, and JS. However, I abstractly understood the way how browser parses and renders thos assets, and never had any chance to get what's really going on behind the scene.

Browsers work like magic. They will render whatever UI that I intended to. And I just wanted to know, "How" they do that not by concepts and diagrams, but by lines of codes.


It's gonna be a huge project, building browser. It will take a lot of time, of course. I'm not in a haste, so the project will be developed slowly, piece by piece. There's no deadline, no enforcement either.

It will take time, forks. Don't wait for the consequences. Just enjoy, like I do now.