
3D Unet biomedical segmentation model powered by tensorpack with fast io speed

Primary LanguagePython



  • Computing environment: CentOS 7, 2 Nvidia Tesla V100 32GB, CUDA 10.1, CuDNN 7.5.0
  • Training time: 3hrs
  • Model file: link

Get Started

1. Installation

Please use Python 3. In your virtual environment,

pip install -r requirements.txt

2. Data Format

All data, including the ground truth, must be in 3D NIfTI files (.nii.gz). To convert the DICOM data format of the datathon data to NIfTI, you can use our data processing pipeline in data_preparation.ipynb. Then, place your train data in the following format and set the path of the train data in load_3d() function from data_loader.py.

├── patientID/
│   └── .nii.gz
└── ...
├── .nii.gz
├── ...
└── .nii.gz

3. Train and inference

# Train
python train.py --gpu 0,1 --logdir=./train_log
# Predict
python train.py --load=./train_log/model-30000 --gpu 0 --predict