
Process CMT files into PMLR proceedings

Primary LanguagePython


Process CMT files into PMLR proceedings

Steps to follow for processing files from CMT

  1. Download the camera ready papers from CMT. CMT will split the papers in several folders of under 100MB each zipped. Unzip them, and move all the papers in a single repository (e.g. CameraReadyPapers)

  2. Download the list of papers as a .xls file from CMT. Export it as a .csv file (make sure it contains only accepted papers). Use ',' as a delimiter and '"' as a quote character.

  3. Start by converting this csv file in a dictionary: python csv_to_dict.py CameraReadyPapers.csv crdict.pickle

  4. Then process the papers using python process_folders.py crdict.pickle CameraReadyPapers papers suppmat vXpermissions The main papers will go under papers/ The supplementary materials under suppmat/ The publication agreements under xVpermissions/

Steps to follow to use the paper checker locally

  • you might need to install pyPdf (pip install pyPdf should work)
  • you might need to run the script directly in the folder containing the pdf
  • you might need to install a recent netbpm to be able to run pamflip. (The Debian/Ubuntu version does not contain pamflip.) The super stable version from sourceforge is fine https://sourceforge.net/projects/netpbm/files/ You might need to install libsvga1 and libtiff4-dev To do so on Ubuntu, you may need to add deb http://cz.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise main universe to your /etc/apt/sources.list

Check styles for all files with

cp ../checkAISTATSpaper.py .
for filename in *.pdf ; do echo $filename; python checkAISTATSpaper.py $filename ; done | tee -a log_checker

This will save your output to log_checker while also displaying it to screen.

Process the output of this file:

cd ..
python process_log_checker.py papers/log_checker papers papers_ok papers_notok crdict.pickle