
Pytorch implementation of intrinsic curiosity module with proximal policy optimization

Primary LanguagePython

This Repository is Reinforcement Learning related with PPO

This Repository is Reinforcece Learning Implementation related with PPO. The framework used in this Repository is Pytorch. The multi-processing method is basically built in. The agents are trained by PAAC(Parallel Advantage Actor Critic) strategy.

1. Multi-processing MLP Proximal Policy Optimization

  • Script : LunarLander_ppo.py
  • Environment : LunarLander-v2
  • Orange : 8 Process, Blue : 4 Process, Red : 1 Process

2. Multi-processing CNN Proximal Policy Opimization

  • Script : Breakout_ppo.py
  • Environment : BreakoutDeterministic-v4
  • Red: 8 Process, Blue: 4 Process, Orange: 1 Process

3. Multi-processing CNN Proximal Policy Opitimization with Intrinsic Curiosity Module

  • Script : Breakout_ppo_icm.py
  • Environment : BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4(handled by custom environment)
  • With no environment Reward
  • Because the game initial key is not selected, the peak point and performance drop is generated.
  • Left : Comparison between (extrinsic reward and intrinsic, oragne) and (only intrinsic reward, gray), the average of three times of experiment
  • Right : only intrinsic reward
  • 32 process
BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4(handled by custom environment)

4. Multi-processing Mlp Proximal Policy Opitimization with Intrinsic Curiosity Module

  • Script : MountainCar_ppo_icm.py
  • Environment : MountainCart-v0
  • With no environment Reward
  • 32 process

5. Unity MLAgents Mlp Proximal Policy Optimization with Intrinsic Curiosity Module

  • Script : PushBlock_ppo_icm.py
  • Environment : PushBlock
  • 32 Environment, PAAC
  • orange : 0.5int + 0.5ext, blue : only int, Red : only ext
  • reward shaping for sparse-reward environment : sucess - 1, others - 0
  • The environment has not sparsed-reward property even if the reward is engineered to two categories(0, 1)

6. Unity MLAgents Mlp Proximal Policy Optimization with Intrinsic Curiosity Module

  • Script : Pyramid_ppo_icm.py
  • Environment : Pyramid
  • 16 Environment, PAAC
  • orange : only ext, blue : 0.01int + 0.99ext


[1] mario_rl

[2] Proximal Policy Optimization

[2] Efficient Parallel Methods for Deep Reinforcement Learning

[3] High-Dimensional Continuous Control Using Generalized Advantage Estimation

[4] Curiosity-driven Exploration by Self-supervised Prediction

[5] Large-Scale Study of Curiosity-Driven Learning

[6] curiosity-driven-exploration-pytorch

[7] ml-agents

[8] Unity: A General Platform for Intelligent Agents

[9] Solving sparse-reward tasks with Curiosity