This is a Database Management project for managing the functioning of a Library. This Project is Made using NetBeans and Mysql. Features Include: Addition, Deletion and Modification of Library Members (Staff/Student) Addition, Deletion and Modification of Library Books Issuance and Return of Books along with Calculation of Fine if Delay Occurs.
- TusharAbbott
- devlearning9874Pune
- hiteshLoke-122Nellore
- hemanathan9352
- annu0904
- francisjjba
- sanchit-gNew Delhi, India
- Ashish93-mrxAntartica.
- hellhound0012
- Dreamgirl25
- prashant2808
- Vedgit12
- xopatil
- keerthi526
- M-MOHAN-RAJCoimbatore, Tamilnadu
- yash-a06
- akash1760Pune
- SkylerWen
- abhigyan31Bangalore
- HemanthReddysSura
- Ritik-Raghuwanshi
- Charan-3704