pgcli inside docker

This docker image is a PostgreSQL client which is provided by pgcli


Just run it

docker run -it chaifeng/pgcli

docker run -it chaifeng/pgcli --version

docker run -it chaifeng/pgcli -h postgresserver -u user

Connect to a Postgres server

docker run -it --name pgcli \
       -e POSTGRES_DATABASE=your-dbname \
       -e POSTGRES_HOST=your-postgres-container \
       -e POSTGRES_USER=your-postgres-username \
       -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD="your-postgres-password" \
       --network your-network \

Optional Variables

  • PGHOST or POSTGRES_HOST the host/ip of your postgres database
  • PGUSER or POSTGRES_USER the username of your postgres database
  • PGPASSWORD or POSTGRES_PASSWORD the password of your postgres database
  • POSTGRES_DB the database to use