
API-Scraper + API for crypto prices built in Go

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Chainbot Prices

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** WANTED ** Cover Image

Web-Scraper for crypto prices with a simple api. Web-socket feeds pull live prices from supported exchanges (WIP), and aggregate to minute candles. Minutely cron job filling in any missing data via historic candle stick api's. Candle-stick data is stored in influxdb, and can be accessed via the api.

Supported Exchanges:

  • Binance
  • CoinbasePro
  • KuCoin
  • FTX
  • OKEX

Getting Started

Building From Source


  • golang: go version go1.16.6 linux/amd64 (other versions not tested)
  • docker & docker-compose

Setting Up a Local Dev Environment

  • clone: git clone git@github.com:chain-bot/prices.git
  • Create .env file via template cp env_example.txt .env
    • Variables with a value of <...> need to be filled in by the user
      cat .env | grep '<...>' 
  • install project packages: go get -u ./... -v
  • run postgres & influxdb: docker-compose --file ./build/docker-compose.yaml --env-file ../.env up
  • run the scraper app : go run app/cmd/scraper/main.go
  • run the prices api server : go run app/cmd/server/main.go

At this point you should see debug logs in the console of the scraper running, if this isn't the case please file an issue.

Run Dockerhub Image

The project is bundeled as two docker images: prices-scraper and prices-server, with the server running on port 8080.

Build and Run Local Docker Image

# External Dependencies (psql, influxdb)
docker-compose --file ./build/docker-compose.yaml  --env-file ../.env up -d
# Build app docker image
docker image build -t prices-server -f build/server.dockerfile . 
docker image build -t prices-scraper -f build/scraper.dockerfile . 

docker run -d --rm --env-file ./.env --network="host" prices-server 
docker run -d --rm --env-file ./.env --network="host" prices-scraper 

Repo Structure (TODO: Out of Date)

├── app
│   ├── cmd
│   ├── configs                             // Handles secrets resolution (secrets, passwords, etc)
│   ├── internal                            // Scraper code + influx/psql interface code
│   └── pkg                                 // All API interface code
├── build
│   ├── docker-compose.yaml
│   └── dockerfile
├── docs
│   ├── chronograph
│   ├── cover.html
│   ├── env_example.txt
│   └── images
├── scripts
│   ├── run-test-with-coverage.sh           // Code Coverage Script (Run Before Making PR)

Data: Postgres Database Migrations and Models

  • Database models are generated using the database schema via sqlboiler
  • sqlboiler introspects the database schema and creates the model files
  • Before generating the models, the database needs to be running, and the migrations need to be executed
docker-compose --file ./build/docker-compose.yaml  --env-file ../.env up -d
  • Note: Running main.go will automatically run relevant migrations

Process for Creating New Database Models

  • Create a migration file under data/psql/migrations, and name it appropriately (ex. 2_new_migration.up.sql)
  • Run the migration script ./scripts/run-database-migrations.sh # run from the root of the repo
  • Generate database models ./scripts/generate-database-models.sh # run from the root of the repo


Supporting New Data Sources (Exchanges)

  • Create a new package under app/pkg/api with the name of the data source
  • Create an api_client.go and api_wrapper.go and have them implement the ExchangeAPIClient type interface
  • Create a wrapper method for the new data source in app/pkg/api/module.go
    • ex. func NewCoinbaseProAPIClient(...) ExchangeClientResult {...}
  • Add wrapper method to GetAPIProviders (this makes it available to the app via uber.fx dependency injection)
  • Run the test file app/pkg/api/exchange_client_test.go


  • The runs on port 8080 by default
  • Routes are defined and registered in pkg/server/


  • Run tests and update the README.md via the following script
  • The script will run all tests inside the app folder (excluding sqlboiler generated files)
./scripts/run-test-with-coverage.sh #run from root of the repo


There is an example dashboard under docs/chronograph/dashboard