
Singature Vault to collect signatures for multisig alias transactions

Primary LanguageGoBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


Signavault is a standalone off chain service which is responsible for collecting signatures for multisig alias transactions. It provides an API with four endpoints:

  • CreateMultisigTx: creates a new multisig transaction.
  • GetAllMultisigTxForAlias: gets all the pending multisig transactions for a given alias.
  • SignMultisigTx: signs an already existing multisig transaction.
  • IssueMultisigTx: issues a multisig transaction to the network if threshold of signatures is reached.


To run Signavault locally either you need docker-compose installed or you could set up mysql and the migration scripts manually. . In addition, Signavault is dependent to a Camino network. You can either run a local network or connect to a remote one.


To install Signavault, follow these steps:

  • Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/chain4travel/camino-signavault.
  • Open the config.yml file and fill in the appropriate values:
    • listenerAddress: the address where the service will listen for requests (e.g., :8080).
    • caminoNode: the URL of the Camino node that signavault will connect to (e.g., http://localhost:9650).
    • networkID: the ID of the running Camino network (e.g., 1002).
    • database.dsn: the connection string for the database (e.g., root:password@tcp(mysql:3306)/signavault?parseTime=true).
  • Go to the docker/local directory: cd docker/local.
  • Run docker-compose up. This will start the database and the migration scripts.
  • In a new terminal window, go to the cmd/camino-signavault directory.
  • Run go run main.go. This will start the Signavault service.


Once Signavault is running, you can use the API endpoints to create, sign, and issue multisignature transactions.

Client SDK

Signavault also provides a TypeScript client SDK that can be used in front-end apps to communicate with the Signavault API. The SDK is available in the signavaultjs directory and can be installed as an npm package: npm install @c4tplatform/signavaultjs. The SDK implements all Signavault endpoints and provides TypeScript types for the API responses.


Signavault provides frontend examples that demonstrate how to use the TypeScript client SDK to interact with the Signavault API. The examples are available in the examples directory and can be run with the following steps:

  • Go to the examples directory: cd examples.
  • Install the dependencies: npm install
  • Go to the examples/dependencies/caminojs directory: cd examples/dependencies/caminojs. This is the Camino go client which is also a dependency of the examples.
  • Install and build the dependency: npm install
  • Run the example: npx ts-node -r tsconfig-paths/register addValidatorTx.ts.

Currently, there is one example which demonstrates the full flow of a multisignature transaction using all endpoints and simulating a multisig alias with two users. The example demonstrates the registerNodeTx and addValidatorTx endpoints.