🗑 Chainflip Bin

Welcome to our first public repo!! Here we release all our new binaries. It doesn't do much else.

🕊 Releasing new binary

Head to the Actions tab and click on the "Create Release" workflow.

Enter the tag you want to release following the format of:


Then click "Run workflow".

Verify the release was successful from the Releases tab.

🐛 Sending DEBUG output to the Chainflip Labs team

To run it do the following:

bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chainflip-io/chainflip-bin/release/soundcheck/debug.sh)

For the more security conscious among you do the following:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chainflip-io/chainflip-bin/release/soundcheck/debug.sh
chmod +x debug.sh ./debug.sh

You can then send that resulting file to a Chainflip Labs member.