- 0
- 0
SBOM Formats for cyclonedx
#1442 opened by mfortin - 0
- 0
go.mod version issue
#1424 opened by BHAVISHYA2005 - 1
bug: --cache-dir broken after in 0.19.3+
#1378 opened by isometry - 7
Support run_as_group
#1386 opened by henrysachs - 0
HTTP_AUTH - Allow auth for multiple subdomains
#1385 opened by Kevin-Molina - 0
How to provide duplicate (but older) package version?
#1377 opened by ckoehler - 0
Incorrect hashes in /lib/apk/db/triggers
#1357 opened by xnox - 1
Github Action suddenly starts to fail: Get "@local%20./packages/apk-configuration": unsupported protocol scheme ""
#1264 opened by kastl-ars - 0
- 0
apko publish doesn't take json file
#1341 opened by ckoehler - 1
Exclude option for build
#1337 opened by cherlynmercia - 1
apko build --offline is insufficient
#1330 opened by anguslees - 0
Mark GitHub releases as latest
#1276 opened by p5 - 2
Images produce by apko can't be scanned by Synk
#1269 opened by NeilJed - 0
Add command that produces an SBOM for an existing image
#1284 opened by luhring - 0
can't create symlink to a file that does not exist
#1270 opened by srenatus - 4
- 0
- 0
- 2
`apko lock` includes @ label in repository url
#1052 opened by Strum355 - 0
`replaces` doesn't appear to work for symlinks
#1223 opened by mattmoor - 2
Enable label support
#1207 opened by Kevin-Molina - 0
remove the suffix -arch from generated images
#1123 opened by sylvain-sonnen - 0
openssl 3.3.1-r2 is not available on alpine index for riscv64
#1195 opened by ajayk - 0
Error: could not find package either named
#1181 opened by Conor-Behard333 - 0
- 5
Inject files into image?
#1020 opened by nikaro - 2
Verify source code with cosign
#1136 opened by kpcyrd - 4
Unable to lock. Could not find package either named java-common or that provides java-common
#1118 opened by farcop - 1
How can I install two or more versions of kubectl?
#1155 opened by farcop - 0
Lockfile flag not implemented for publish command
#1057 opened by blaine-arcjet - 6
question: sbom generated by apko is not detected by trivy
#1046 opened by tuananh - 0
- 0
SBOM missing extracted licensing info
#1131 opened by xnox - 0
Apko.lock contains duplicated repositories when combined from multiple files
#1117 opened by sfc-gh-ptabor - 0
Error "could not find package that provides php-cli in indexes" from the second line packages config
#1116 opened by redhawkeye - 0
- 0
- 1
Cannot build x86_64 target
#1060 opened by willswire - 1
Workaround for Cloud Keychains
#959 opened by mccormickt - 0
apko not supported by ocaml build machinery
#1051 opened by xnox - 4
apko does not appropriate treat duplicate providers as conflicting against each other
#921 opened by kaniini - 0
Misleading error for missing file
#1001 opened by amouat - 0
feature request: allow envars to be set from values known only during the apk build
#969 opened by rawlingsj - 0
re-add --stage-tags and --package-version-* flags?
#963 opened by joemiller - 0
go test fail on riscv64
#935 opened by Xunop - 2
About the release scheme
#936 opened by chenrui333 - 0
Some installed files are missed in the installed DB
#910 opened by luhring